Sunday, October 19, 2008

One-day Energy Fast

Since yesterday I got the most amazing fruits and vegetables from Temecula Farmers market and I just read The Juice Fasting Bible: Discover the power of all-juice diets to restore good health, lose weight and increase vitality, I have decided to give a try.

This morning after I wake up I had 2 glasses of water with organic pressed lemon.

Then I meditate. Then I juiced: 1 orange,1 red plums, a piece of fresh Ginger root, 1 cup of red grapes, 1 pear and one banana.

The taste is very, very good.

Pears : Vitamins B and C, Calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Provide quick energy boost.

Oranges: Very high vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, natural antibiotic, powerful antioxidant, give quick energy boost.

Ginger root: Vitamin C, Copper, Iron, Calcium, zinc, magnesium.

Grapes: Vitamin B and c and beta carotene. Iron, potasium, calcium. Provide a quick energy boost.

Banana: Vitamins B and C, Calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Plums: Vitamin C and beta carotene, calcium, iron

For Lunch and dinner I will have 1 apple, 1 tomato, 2 carrots, 5 spinach leaves, 1 /2 onion,...juice Ok we will see about the onion.

Today I will join the Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop on the 7 chakras hosted by Arun Deva.

This is new for me. Never done any kind of workshop like that, but I am pleased to dedicate a day to by body and soul, away from my daily routine, no kids, no husband. Only me my juices, my water and my 7 chakras.